Lightly, a yarn line created exclusively for you by Yarnz2go.
Great for light weight accessories such as the ones shown below.
Each skein is carefully hand wound with 7 color/yarn changes. All are lace or light fingering weights in 40 yards each portions. 238 yards in total per skein.
The vegan yarns makes for very comfortable wearing in cottons, linens, rayon to blends of them.
Hand wash, dry laying flat.
Sunil kerchief Hourglass shawlette
Reina scarf one skein Spring kerchief one skein
Summerly scarf - one skein Slightly there shawl - one skein
A little biddy shawl - one skein Thandie kerchief - one skein
Orly shawl - one skein Nooma shawl - one skein
Rhododendron shawl - one skein. Summerfun cowl - one skein
Doone shawl Totally cool Charming shawl Pendola shawlette Tangy shawl